Une 2ème Edition attendue et réussie !
30 11 / 2021

An awaited and successful 2nd Edition!

  The Salon de l'Escalade affirms its key role and relevance in the Verticality field! Finally, after 2 years of forced waiting, together, all Verticality stakeholders enjoyed 3 fundamental days between November 26th to 28th!   Bringing together an amazing diversity of players to whom the event provides concrete solutions to their various respective needs, we are delighted with the success of this 2nd release of the Salon de l'Escalade! An intact passion: despite sanitary precautions (thank by the way to all our exhibitors for their exemplary respect of these), the festive and convivial nature of the event remained. We are delighted that new activities became already successful such as fashion show, lifting demo, discovery workshops, treasure hunt and technical equipment repair workshop... A lot more adds-on are to be found in the 2022 edition!   Our choice to maintain throughout all past year's uncertainties and doubts paid off: significant satisfaction from all actors of the sector has been felt, finally able to meet each other, as well as passionate practitioners – wether beginners or experienced – starving to rediscover the event. The growth of exhibitors observed this year (40 more compared to 2019!), added to incoming promises of participation formulated during and right after this Edition confirm the undeniable relevance of the event, growing up despite the complex organizational context. On the visitor's side we have recorded an attendance drop, like all gatherings. However, exhibitors' feedback is unanimously positive thanks to the quality of the meetings held during the professional days (climbing gyms operators, store representatives, territorial officials...) and the wealth of exchanges with the general public (end users, project leaders, club managers...) The organization wishes to thank all those who directly contributed to this very success: Exhibitors and Visitors, Partners, Providers and Site Owner, along with our priceless Staff!   Let's talk figures! 3,150 Visitors over 3 days for both Pro and General Public components 144 Exhibitors sharing 4000 sqm of Exhibition, representing 10 countries and organized into 12 Categories 2 Film screening evenings in the presence of our ambassadors Over 20 Conferences and Round Tables 1 Official territorial Federal-organized contest A Half-day dedicated to Handi-Climbing Dozens of practical and discovery on-booths workshops 4 Spectacular New Features: Fashion Show, Lifting Demo, Repair Workshop, Treasure Hunt 4 Organic and Local Food-Trucks organized through an eco-responsible collective 1 Exhibitor's Club and 1 both Organic and Zero plastic bar     Heading to Grenoble in 2022! After 2 launch releases in Lyon, the 2022 Salon de l'Escalade is taking place in Grenoble! Choosing AlpExpo Exhibition Center is a perfect way to: - Bring the Salon closer to the mountains and large neighboring climbing sites (Drôme, Hautes-Alpes, Alpes de Haute-Provence, Vaucluse, Savoies...) and allow some of the key players in the area, located near the Grenoblois Basin to play at home, - Facilitate the accessibility of the event for the general public, AlpExpo being easily reached from Grenoble center by bicycle or public transport, as well as by car thanks to its large-capacity parking (5,000 spots), - Anchor the Show's spirit in the heart of a metropolis whose practitioners mainly practice several Vertical disciplines: Climbing, but also Mountaineering, Canyon, Via-Ferrata and Speleology, - Enjoy a modern, evolving and practical place, compatible with the probable growth of a meeting aiming at gathering both stakeholders and practitioners of a multi-faceted and booming discipline. The configuration of our future Hall, with its 8,800 sqm, will be compliant with our larger surface needs, the 4200 sqm of our Lyon exhibition hall being 95% occupied in 2021.     Save the Date! Salon de l'Escalade – 3rd Edition 3: November 18+19+20, 2022. AlpExpo – 2 Av. d'Innsbruck, 38100 Grenoble - FRANCE
Offre Spéciale : Réduction Billetterie -20% pour les licenciés FFCAM, FFME & FSGT !
30 10 / 2021

Offre Spéciale : Réduction Billetterie -20% pour les licenciés FFCAM, FFME & FSGT !

En tant que membre licencié FFCAM, FFME ou FSGT, l'organisation du Salon vous offre une réduction de -20% sur la Billetterie Grand Public ! Cette offre s'applique aux tarifs 'Billets 1 Jour Grand Public' et 'Pass 2 jours Grand Public', valables du Samedi midi au Dimanche soir, quelle que soit la quantité : faites-en profiter vos amis !   Pour récupérer vos billets à tarif réduit dès maintenant et jusqu'au Vendredi 26 Novembre inclus (veille de l'ouverture au public), c'est facile :   1/ Rendez-vous sur https://www.salon-escalade.com/billetterie/   2/ Sous le menu "BILLETTERIE /// GRAND PUBLIC", pour les lignes 'Billet 1 Jour Grand Public' ou 'Pass 2 Jours Grand Public', - Etape 1 (Panier) : Choisissez le nombre de billets souhaité (illimité) de chaque type puis cliquez sur "RÉSERVER". - Etape 2 (Coordonnées) : Entrez les informations propres à chaque visiteur, acceptez les conditions générales de vente, et cliquez sur "SUITE". - Etape 3 (Paiement) : Cliquez sur la ligne "Vous avez un code de réduction, cliquez ici", puis entrez votre NUMÉRO DE LICENCE : >> à 12 CHIFFRES pour la FFCAM, >> à 6 CHIFFRES pour la FFME, >> à 8 CHIFFRES pour la FSGT (en commençant par des 0 s'il comporte moins de 8 chiffres) et cliquez sur "Appliquer" : vous obtiendrez immédiatement une réduction de 20% sur l'ensemble de votre panier !   3/ Cliquez sur "PAYER" pour finaliser votre réservation : recevez immédiatement vos billets par e-mail.   Attention : Offre valable exclusivement en ligne, à usage unique et limitée dans le temps : pensez bien à réserver tous vos billets en une seule fois et avant Vendredi 26/11 minuit ! En cas de mauvaise manipulation (annulation avant transaction), attendez 15mn pour que votre Numéro de Licence se ré-active.
L'heure de la rentrée a sonné - Le Salon de l'Escalade se mobilise pour l'Emploi
17 09 / 2021

L'heure de la rentrée a sonné - Le Salon de l'Escalade se mobilise pour l'Emploi

Cela ne vous a pas échappé : les derniers mois ont été synonyme de changements majeurs dans de multiples domaines de notre Société. Parmi eux, la thématique de l'exercice professionnel -  centrale - a fait l'objet de nombreuses réflexions : les modalités d'organisation du télétravail, l'importance de la relation sociale aux collègues, l'exposition de certaines activités aux risques, le besoin de renouveau et la quête de sens pour de nombreux salariés, les secteurs en tension ou aux besoins émergents… Le milieu de l'escalade n'y déroge pas : création permanente de nouvelles salles, explosion de la demande sur les pratiques loisir et tourisme, fort dynamisme du côté des travaux acrobatiques, exigences en innovation et commercialisation de produits et services… les besoins sont multiples et urgents. Le Salon de l'Escalade, par essence organisateur de rencontres entre l'offre et la demande dans un secteur en pleine accélération, souhaite mettre à profit sa compétence au service de tous les acteurs. Ainsi, nous lançons aujourd'hui une plateforme dédiée à la rencontre professionnelle 'verticale' permettant : -          Aux candidats qui souhaitent travailler dans ce milieu de proposer leurs compétences, -          Aux recruteurs/porteurs de projets qui recherchent ces talents de les repérer facilement.   Important ! Ce service est : -          Totalement gratuit pour les utilisateurs : aussi bien Candidats que Recruteurs, -          Accessible à tous les organismes intéressés, qu'ils soient ou non Exposants, -          Également destiné aux Freelance et Porteurs de projets cherchant des missions ou associés, -          Respectueux de l'anonymat : chaque candidat choisit quelles informations il souhaite divulguer publiquement ou réserver uniquement aux recruteurs.   Vous êtes Impatient(e) d'utiliser ce nouvel outil ? C'est très simple : enregistrez rapidement et gratuitement votre candidature sur Vertical-Jobs ! Les premières propositions seront visibles par les recruteurs et porteurs de projets dès le 1er Octobre, qui nous solliciteront au cas par cas pour obtenir vos profils complets.   Vous disposez bien entendu pour chaque dépôt de candidature d'un droit d'accès et de rectification de vos données personnelles applicable à tout moment.
Ouverture de la Billetterie 2021 le 1er Juillet !
28 06 / 2021

The 2021 Ticket Office opens on July 1st!

Following many visitor's requests, we're pleased to announce that you'll be able to buy your entrance tickets for the show! Enjoy our presales operation for the general public days***: get 2 tickets for the price of a single one! Caution: limited offer to 300 tickets only! Please proceed using the '2021 Ticketing' menu (as of July, 1st). Fear for cancellation? No risk with to our cancellation guarantee: if the event had to be postponed, full reimbursement of your tickets will be done. Automatic, immediate and unconditional. *** General Public Days (B2C): Saturday November 27 from 12am and Sunday November 28 all day! Professional Days (B2B): Friday November 26 + Saturday November 27 before 12am. Book your tickets now!
Téléchargez notre Guide des Festivités Verticales de l'Été
21 06 / 2021

Download our Summer Festivities Guide

June 21st! Sunny weather conditions are set, holidays are about to begin and sanitary precautions have been lightened – Enjoy the summer! Along with this great period start, festivities will soon show up – the ones we've missed so much, and you don't want to miss... To make sure you guys know what happens when, enclosed you'll find our events list! Time has come to get your diaries up to date, the only way to plan your climbing vacation inbetween these vertical milestones! Download our Guide (french only) and be aware of all climbing events (festivals, contests, gatherings, parties...) at once! Of course, the not-to-be missed event this fall is the 2021 SALON DE L'ESCALADE – November 26 to 28, in Lyon! Did you know? We shall be present to quite many of these events thank to our various partnerships with organizers. Everytime you see our tent, please visit us. Questions, bright ideas of your's will be welcome and you might find great deals on site. Enjoy!
En 2021, propageons le Virus de l'Escalade !
10 05 / 2021

In 2021, we gotta spread the Climbing Virus!

Lifting of lockdown restrictions, return of the milder weather, re-opening of social places... That's it, we will soon resume unlimited climbing, here or elsewhere, all day, indoor and outdoor, with our family or friends! This is good news because restaurants are reopening and the practice of sport will therefore be essential! Expected recovery - finally - of the festive and cultural events that we have missed so much, especially those climbing-related to come from this summer till the end of the year From our side, you get the point: preparation of this year's Salon de l'Escalade edition is underway… Save the date as we are counting on your presence in Lyon next November 26-27-28! Next fall, with the help of our over-determined staff and partners and supported by our fellow Exhibitors – all eager to experience or relive the success of our first Edition - we will do our utmost to entertain you, let you guys dream and be surprised in your passion for climbing! We are currently developing concrete solutions to optimize our professionals footfall, thank to our exhibitors, yet not lacking ideas or initiatives to (re) invent, improve, develop and protect Climging and its Escalades in their great diversity. To make this event a great success, we need you: your ideas and your presence next to us! You thus know what to do now: share and spread our communications as much as you can!  Thank you for your support and involvement to come!
Lancement de Vertical-Feed : le Média exclusivement réservé à nos Exposants
05 03 / 2021

Introducing Vertical-Feed: our Exhibior's exclusive Media

We are proud to announce the promising release of the Salon de l'Escalade's B2B2C ultimate news feed! Strictly reserved to our very Exhibitors, this new 100% digital, free and public web-based support has been designed to meet our customer's communication needs: corporate info, product presentation and promotion, brand events, local actions, job postings and so forth… Vertical-Feed is born out of a simple observation: to ensure our Exhibitor's full-time communication needs inbetween the Salon de l'Escalade's "real world" editions! 30% of them already broadcasting a large range of information - some of them exclusive – Check this out on https://www.salon-escalade.com/vertical-feed/ Note: articles must be written in french language only. Please contact us if you can only provide them in english and want them properly translated!   Special thanks for their early use of this tool: @Arkose, @Banff, @Block'Out, @Blozone, @Climb Up, @Conseil départemental de l'Isère, @Deltaboard, @Digital Climbing Holds, @EB Climbing, @Editions Paulsen, @FFCAM, @FSGT, @Greta Viva 5, @I'BBZ, @Les Editions du Mont-Blanc, @Ligue FFME AuRA, @Luxov, @Natural Games, @OpenSafe, @Orpierre - Le Village qui Grimpe, @Outdoormix, @Petzl, @Prises-Escalade.fr, @Redeem Equipment, @Snap, @SNGM, @Symples, @Terre Infinie, @UDSE, @Vertical-Life, @Woodrock et @YYVertical.
Grand Jeu-Concours - Calendrier de l'Avent 2020
30 11 / 2020

Grand Jeu-Concours - Calendrier de l'Avent 2020

  Edition 2020 reportée ? Qu'à cela ne tienne, nos Exposants se sont mobilisés pour émettre des ondes positives et distribuer des tonnes de cadeaux avant l'heure !   Au programme : un grand Jeu-Concours impliquant plus de 40 Exposants et plus d'une centaine de lots à gagner ! Pour participer, rien de plus simple : agissez via nos Réseaux Sociaux Facebook et Instagram, plusieurs lots sont à gagner chaque jour du 1er au 24 Décembre ! > https://www.facebook.com/Salonescalade   > https://www.instagram.com/salondelescalade/     Les tirages au sort auront lieu régulièrement, sur la base des éléments que vous aurez pris soin de liker/commenter/partager, alors bonne Chance à toutes et à tous !
Nos ambassadeurs ont du talent
24 11 / 2020

Nos ambassadeurs ont du talent

Parce que pour eux, confinement rime avec dépassement, nos ambassadeurs profitent de cette curieuse période pour envoyer des croix mémorables. Retour sur un mois de Novembre synonyme – une fois n'est pas coutume – de francs succès !   >Julia Chanourdie collectionne les cotations extrêmes à Saint-Léger ! Après sa perf' majestueuse en 9a+ - Supercrackinette - au mois de Mars, Julia revient temporairement à Saint-Léger suite à l'annulation des Championnats d'Europe. Elle confirme récemment son statut de grimpeuse hors-norme en abattant désormais sa carte du 9b avec Eagle-4... Première femme à enchaîner Supercrackinette, elle est désormais la première française à réaliser un 9b ! Une voie qui doit cette cotation à sa première partie, "assez courte et très intense" [!]  et où la suite, plus longue et "pas évidente à grimper [!!]" [présente une succession] de pas de blocs au milieu de sections moins dures" et un bon jeté [!!!]... Elle affirme ici toute sa polyvalence et nous transmet son virus à elle : une appétence pour le rocher naturel à l'heure où l'escalade indoor est en stand-by.   >Seb Bouin avance à grand pas sur les épisodes de son projet Toujours aussi assidu et appliqué à continuer son Vintage Rock Tour, notre ambassadeur assène une première puis une seconde vagues couronnées de succès sur l'étape Charentaise de son Odyssée de l'Escalade, aux Eaux-Claires. Au début du mois, il commence par enchaîner le 1er 9a de France : Hugh. Ouverte par Fred Rouhling en 1993 et controversée à l'époque en raison de ses prises taillées, la voie nécessite "des mouvements impressionnants", notamment un jeté de 2 mètres ! Ces derniers jours, il a rapidement fait tomber un autre monument "proposé [à l'époque] comme le 1er 9b mondial" : Akira. Du même ouvreur, en 1995 et bien que sa cotation soit aujourd'hui remise en question, la ligne est à mi-chemin entre bloc et voie, on ne peut plus originale !   Quelle fierté de suivre leur actualité positive en cette période. Nous sommes impatients de partager avec vous la possibilité de les rencontrer en chair et en os l'année prochaine !
Annulation de l'Edition 2020 du Salon de l'Escalade
13 10 / 2020

Annulation de l'Edition 2020 du Salon de l'Escalade

À toutes celles et ceux qui nous suivent dans l'aventure, nous sommes au regret de vous annoncer, à notre tour, l'annulation de notre événement 2020 : l'Edition 2 du Salon de l'Escalade. Une décision actée ce Jeudi 8 Octobre, nécessaire assumée et motivée par plusieurs facteurs que nous exposons ici. - Lyon et sa métropole, ainsi que 2 autres grandes villes d'Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et Lille qui passent en Niveau d'Alerte Maximum à moins d'un mois et demi de l'ouverture du Salon, augmentant immédiatement le risque d'interdiction tardif ou persistant des rassemblements, - La fermeture de nombreuses Salles d'Escalade depuis 2 semaines et prolongée pour une durée indéterminée, qui nous prive d'un canal de communication évident, direct et indispensable auprès du grand public (affiches, flyers, entrées à gagner...) - L'hésitation ou l'impossibilité, pour certaines entreprises ou institutions, de missionner leurs collaborateurs au Salon pour son moment B2B, réduisant ainsi drastiquement l'intérêt pour nombre de nos exposants d'y être présents - Le risque de rencontrer un visitorat grand public limité, suite à la réduction de la jauge à 1000 visiteurs en instantané (seuil par ailleurs compatible avec l'événement) qui pourrait en faire hésiter certains à se déplacer par peur de ne pouvoir accéder librement au hall, - Les inconnues quant à la possibilité de maintenir le Contest d'Escalade, les Essais de matériel ou la Buvette/Restauration, autant d'ingrédients essentiels et sans qui l'événement serait dénaturé. Nous estimons par ailleurs, au vu de la détérioration rapide des indicateurs sanitaires – indépendamment de la perception que chacun aurait de la gestion de cette crise – que nous entêter à vouloir maintenir un rassemblement dans un lieu clos et qui réunit 3 jours durant un grand nombre d'acteurs et de visiteurs issus de zones géographiques multiples traduirait désormais une certaine irresponsabilité de notre part. Pour toutes ces raisons, et notamment par rapport à l'engagement financier qu'il représente pour toutes ses parties prenantes, nous avons préféré annuler l'événement avant que celui-ci ne soit effectivement interdit. - Pour nos exposants à la veille des réservations de leurs moyens de transport, d'hébergement et d'autres frais logistiques et de Stand... qui auraient engendré des pertes irrécupérables liées à une annulation tardive, - Pour nous, organisateurs, afin de ne pas mettre en péril l'avenir du Salon de l'Escalade, événement auquel nous croyons, au profit d'une édition qui, si toutefois elle avait lieu dans une ambiance peu chaleureuse et propice aux échanges, viendrait ternir le succès de la Première. Si, jusqu'à fin Septembre, la balance 'opportunité de maintien/risque d'annulation' pour l'un des seuls événements Outdoor/Escalade d'une année synonyme de grand désert événementiel restait équilibrée voir positive, la très forte et récente dégradation de la situation sanitaire en France et en Europe ainsi que les contraintes l'emportent désormais sur une irresponsable volonté de maintenir coûte que coûte. Notre acte d'annulation a ainsi été accueilli vendredi avec un mélange de déception mais aussi de soulagement de la part de nos exposants et prestataires, par ailleurs totalement compréhensifs, contactés un par un pour leur faire part de cette décision et de l'engagement de notre politique de remboursement conformément à nos conditions de réservation établies en Juin. Ce choix ne réjouit personne. Pour autant, focalisons-nous sur les éléments positifs, nombreux, qui ont émaillé notre parcours au sortir du confinement, moment où nous avons souhaité nous relancer. Ils justifient largement le travail réalisé conjointement avec tous nos exposants qui, comme nous, ont investi dans un événement à haut potentiel futur. D'abord, à l'instar d'autres acteurs du secteur, nous avons prouvé notre envie d'avancer, de conjurer le sort plutôt que de nous résigner, de tenter une sortie par le haut plutôt que d'abandonner sans essayer. Dans cette dynamique méliorative, nombreux ont été les exposants qui se sont engagés ou réengagés à nos côtés. Plus nombreux même que pour la première édition, alors même que nous subissions encore tous de plein fouet les effets de la première vague, confirmant la désormais utilité du Rendez-Vous pour la filière. Ainsi, pas moins de 115 Exposants (contre 104 en 2019, soit + de 10% !) s'étaient engagés à participer cette année (liste publique disponible sur Salon-Escalade.com/Edition2/Exposants/). Ceci traduit tout simplement la pertinence de l'événement pour un secteur en pleine évolution ! Au-delà de cette croissance d'engagements, notons que plus de 50% de nos exposants étaient nouveaux, et que sans le coup de rabot économique du printemps, nombreux auraient été les pionniers de la 1ère Edition qui auraient pu réengager leur participation.   Projetons-nous désormais dans l'Edition 2 de Novembre 2021 ! L'annulation anticipée de l'Edition 2020 nous offre à tous la possibilité de transformer, dans de bien meilleures conditions, l'essai particulièrement réussi de la première de 2019. Le remboursement de nos exposants et l'éviction de nos esprits de ce risque permanent d'annulation nous permettra à tous de terminer plus sereinement une année particulièrement difficile. L'Edition 2021, pour laquelle gestes barrières et masque seront – on l'espère – désormais inutiles, permettra de retrouver les ingrédients qui ont fait le succès de la première édition, augmentée par le casting exceptionnel de nos exposants 2020 (unanimement décidés à revenir) additionnés de l'immense majorité de nos exposants de 2019 (y compris ceux qui ne pouvaient pas venir cette année en raison de contraintes budgétaires). Cette édition 2 retardée à 2021, particulièrement attendue, sera enrichie de 2 années de nouveautés, d'innovations et d'évolutions de produits ou de services que nos exposants, dans toute leur diversité (marques et distributeurs de matériel et de prises, institutions, constructeurs et exploitants de murs, collectivités territoriales, milieu associatif, professionnels encadrants, travaux d'accès difficiles, presse écrite ou numérique et éditeurs ou encore magasins...) seront fiers de présenter à un visitorat Professionnel impatient de se retrouver à un Salon et une foule de visiteurs du Grand Public passionnée et impatiente de revivre des moments forts ! Il sera plus que jamais temps de proposer des contenus sur des sujets aussi éclectiques que déterminants : évolution des pratiques et profil des pratiquants, impact et solutions suite à une période de crise, loi antigaspillage et économie circulaire appliquée au milieu, préparation et résultats des Jeux Olympiques, avenir de l'escalade en milieux naturels, projets, athlètes, initiatives de toutes sortes... Autant de raisons de croire en un avenir radieux et au succès des futures éditions d'un Salon aux fortes ambitions et aux contributeurs (exposants, intervenants, prestataires, staff...) plus déterminés que jamais ! RDV dans 13 mois ! Prenez soin de vous.   Toute l'Equipe du Salon de l'Escalade
Mobilisation Exposants et Mesures Sanitaires : Etat des Lieux de l'Edition 2020 à J-60
21 09 / 2020

Mobilisation Exposants et Mesures Sanitaires : Etat des Lieux de l'Edition 2020 à J-60

3 mois et demi seulement après l'annonce de notre décision de maintenir le Salon au sortir du déconfinement la mobilisation des exposants pour cette 2ème Edition du Salon de l'Escalade est belle et bien là ! En effet, sur un rythme de préparation accéléré post-confinement de 2 mois oblige, le nombre de participations est en passe d'atteindre celui de l'année dernière, ce dont nous ne sommes pas peu fiers en cette période teintée d'incertitude et d'annulations à répétition. Le ratio est le suivant : environ 50% d'exposants qui reconduisent leur participation et 50% de nouveaux arrivants et 3 grandes tendances à noter : +70% de fabricants d'équipements, +50% de salles, +35% d'équipementiers de Salles et Murs, +66% de territoires ! Autre fait important : pas moins d'une dizaine de nationalités au travers des acteurs présents cette année : France, Italie, Espagne, Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Grèce, République Tchèque, Iran, Canada et USA. A noter cette année, en raison d'un calendrier de reprise très chargé suite à la période d'arrêt induite par le confinement, le milieu des travaux acrobatiques, surbooké, reporte de manière générale sa participation à l'année prochaine. Petit tour d'horizon des parties en présence (par catégorie et par ordre alphabétique) : Matériel : Beal, Black Diamond Equipment, Bleausard, Blue Ice, ClimbOn, Cousin Trestec, Crimp Oil, EB Escalade, I'BBZ, Kletter Retter, Kong, La Sportiva, Looking for Wild, Max Climbing, Myléore, Nograd, Ocún, Petzl, Rock Empire, Scarpa, Smartboard, SNAP, Tenaya, Tendon, Woodrock, YY Vertical, Equipements de SAE : Atelier Pierre Œuf, Blozone, Deepron, Didak's Climbing Holds, Digital, Escatech, Expression, Holds.fr, IBEX, Luxov, Max Holds, Modugame, Petzl Professionnal, Prises-Escalade.fr, Quickjump Europe, TYYNY, Volx Climbing, Polytalon Salles : Antrebloc, Bloc & Co., Block'Out, Climb Up, Edenwall, Hold Up, Le Rempart, Les Arts de la Grimpe, The Roof France, Union des Salles d'Escalade, Vertical'Art, Vesúbia Mountain Park, Magasins : Approach, Au Vieux Campeur, Into the Cliff, Mes Agités, Raconte-Moi La Terre, Redeem, Culture / Evénements : Banff Festival, Editions Paulsen, Les Editions du Mont-Blanc, Nivéales Médias, Natural Games, OutdoorMix, Reel Rock France, Milieu Fédéral : CT 69 FFME, FFCAM, FFME, FSGT, Ligue FFME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes  Encadrement / Séjours : Equilibre Vertical, Globe Climber, Grimper à Orpierre, Koala Grimpe Formation / Entraînement / Coaching Climbing Academy, CREPS Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Greta Viva 5, ST Climbing Autres Exposants Spécialistes :CRS Alpes, Gîtes Le Moulin, PGHM, Sapeurs-Pompiers, SNGM, Symples, Verti-Call.com, Territoires : Annot, le Pays des Grès, Conseil Départemental de l'Isère, Orpierre, le Village qui Grimpe, Irresistible Alpes de Haute Provence, La Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Pure Montagne, Verdon Tourisme  Associations : 82-4000 Solidaires, Climbers Against Cancer, Collectif Grimpe Outdoor, En Passant par la Montagne, Greenspits, Lead The Climb, Lève-toi & Grimpe, Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux   Au total, plus de 100 exposants, soit presque autant à 2 mois de l'événement que pour la première édition ! En cette période de crise, cela ne tient pas du hasard, mais bien à la détermination du secteur, tous milieux confondus, de ne rien lâcher à l'heure où l'escalade vit de profonds bouleversements et où les cartes sont rebattues ! Pour autant, restons sur nos gardes, il reste encore plusieurs semaines avant le jour J...   Notre responsabilité et plan d'action face au contexte sanitaire Alors certes, nous ne sommes pas à l'abri d'une annulation, même tardive. Loin de rester passifs face à ce risque, notre équipe analyse, documente et sécurise au quotidien tout ce qui peut l'être. Sur ce plan, nos contacts avec la Préfecture sont réguliers. A ce titre, revenons sur les points qui nous concernent de l'annonce officielle formulée en ce Lundi 21 Septembre par Pascal Mailhos, Préfet de la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes et du Rhône (http://www.rhone.gouv.fr/Actualites/COVID-19-Point-de-situation-sanitaire-et-intensification-des-mesures-dans-le-Rhone) > Gestes Barrière : Sont rappelées les précautions désormais bien connues de tous : lavage de mains régulier et utilisation fréquente de gel hydro-alcoolique, port du masque obligatoire, signalétique au sol pour limiter les croisements... Des réflexes désormais classiques auxquels nous sommes habitués dans nos déplacements et notre vie quotidienne depuis maintenant plusieurs semaines. > Rassemblements de personnes : La restriction de 5000 à 1000 personnes n'est pas un problème car c'est un seuil instantané. Avec 4500 visiteurs en 3 jours, nous avons certes atteint, mais pas dépassé ce niveau en 2019. Pour respecter cette limite cette année, même en cas de visitorat plus conséquent, nous mettons en place un dispositif de comptage en temps réel des personnes présentes dans l'enceinte du Salon afin de ne pas dépasser cette jauge maximale instantanée de 1000 personnes. Si ce seuil est atteint, nous régulerons les entrées de manière équilibrée avec les sorties. >Interdiction des grands événements tels que la Foire de Lyon ou la Vogue des Marrons de Lyon : le Salon de l'Escalade n'est pas concerné et revendique son statut d'événement thématique de niche et à taille humaine ! Nous sommes par ailleurs aidés dans notre organisation par le professionnalisme des équipes du Double Mixte. Le Hall Evénementiel de Villeurbanne a repris l'activité événementielle au mois de Septembre, notamment avec un Salon à fort visitorat le weekend dernier : le Salon IRIS, naturellement bio (environ 4000 visiteurs cette année). Grâce à leur retour et aux informations de l'UNIMEV (Union des Métiers de l'Evénementiel) nous élaborons en ce moment même un protocole sanitaire cohérent et responsable pour accueillir exposants et visiteurs dans des conditions sanitaires adaptées.   Enfin, nous avons ajouté sur notre site web officiel une bannière d'informations que nous actualisons quotidiennement pour témoigner de notre prise en compte des demandes émanant des organismes compétents.   Bouchées doubles sur les préventes pour des visiteurs déjà impatients Nos 200 premières préventes sont parties ! Pour celles et ceux qui n'ont pas encore pu en profiter, nous proposons 300 bons plans supplémentaires "2 billets pour le prix d'1" ! Comme d'habitude, c'est sans risque, car en cas d'annulation, vous seriez remboursés immédiatement, sans frais et sans conditions.   Pour en profiter, c'est par ici : https://www.salon-escalade.com/billetterie/
Le Monde d'Après le Déconventionnement des SNE : un Webinaire d'experts à la rentrée !
16 09 / 2020

Le Monde d'Après le Déconventionnement des SNE : un Webinaire d'experts à la rentrée !

Vous avez dit : "Déconventionnement" ? A moins d'habiter au fond d'une caverne ou d'être resté confiné depuis le mois de Mars, il ne vous a pas échappé que des informations majeures concernant l'avenir de la pratique de l'escalade en milieux naturels sont apparues ces dernières semaines, non sans déchaîner les passions : la question du Déconventionnement des Sites Natures d'Escalade. Pour celles et ceux qui n'auraient pas tout suivi, pléthore de contenus ont été publiés sur ce sujet à travers réseaux sociaux, magazines et autres blogs. L'objet de cet article n'est pas de proposer une énième chronologie des événements, ni de commenter ou critiquer ceux-ci, mais de vous annoncer un rendez-vous à la rentrée dont la portée et les modalités sont expliqués ci-après.   Où, quand, avec qui et pourquoi ? Chez vous ! Ce rendez-vous sera dématérialisé : un webinaire dont le contenu sera disponible en replay, permettant de réunir un panel d'intervenants experts et permettre une diffusion facile de son contenu après-coup. A la rentrée, le temps de vous laisser reprendre vos marques, le Mercredi 30 Septembre à 19h.   Liste des intervenants (par ordre alphabétique) qui se prêteront à l'exercice : - Claude Vigier – Responsable 'Sites Naturels d'Escalade' au Comité Territorial FFME de l'Isère et Membre de l'Escalade-Club de l'Isère - Jean-Claude Grand – Président du Comité Territorial FFME des Bouches du Rhône - Luc Thibal – Directeur Technique National FFCAM L'intervention sera animée par Paul Guillet – Avocat au Barreau de Marseille.   3 objectifs pour ce RDV exclusif :  - mieux cerner et comprendre toute l'ampleur et les impacts induits par cette problématique du déconventionnement, - analyser la 'gestion de crise' opérée par des acteurs de terrain qui prennent la parole ce soir, rassemblés autour du "Collectif Grimpe Outdoor", - annoncer les événements à venir sur ce sujet : Colloque FFME, Etats-Généraux du Collectif Grimpe Outdoor, et Conférences-bilan du Salon de l'Escalade.   Inscription obligatoire Vous ne voulez manquer ce RDV sous aucun prétexte ? Totalement gratuite, l'inscription à l'événement via le lien ci-dessous est néanmoins obligatoire pour nous permettre de dimensionner sa diffusion en direct puis en différé : https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_A0b_H-AOTUWIROMj9RMivA   Nous vous attendons nombreuses et nombreux derrière vos écrans !
Lancement des Rencontres du Film Vertical : appel à projets de films d'escalade
17 07 / 2020

Introducing the Rencontres du Film Vertical: a call for climbing-movies projects

In 2020, Salon de l'Escalade is launching his Rencontres du Film Vertical first event, whose winners will have their creations broadcast during  the November edition! Through this initiative, we want to promote the talent of creators, directors and producers of moving images, illustrated in the contemporary creation of films with the theme of verticality. Contestants will have to send us their works, by electronic means (latest September 23, 2020), then examined by a selection jury made up of professionals in the climbing, mountain, cinema and communication fields following specific criterions of conformity about verticality topics and according with sountrack and video contents originality and quality. Specs follow: all kinds of movies (documentary, clip, animations, etc.) linked with climbing and mountaineering themes, with complete treatment freedom (environment, history, sports, etc.) Productions must be recorded in french tongue or in their original version along with french subtitles, with a maximum 20 minutes duration. Want to participate? Send us your first/last names and telephone number by email to rencontresdufilmvertical@salon-escalade.com You'll be sent an application file to be returned along with your creations... Ready ? Set ? Record!
Chasseur de bons plans ? La Billetterie 2020 est ouverte !
09 07 / 2020

Looking for great deals? Our 2020 online ticket office is open!

Many of you have long been waiting for it and our team has been very busy over the last weeks set up, exactly one year and one week after our first edition ticket office launch, the 2020 ticketing service! Presales are available from now on: get 2 tickets for the price of one! Caution! Limit has been set to 200 tickets only... Interested? Click on the picture above or type www.Salon-Escalade.com/Billetterie/ in your favourite browser.  
Ré-ouverture des réservations / Offre Spéciale "Edition 2 contre Vague 2" !
02 06 / 2020

Booking recovery / "2nd Edition vs. 2nd Wave" Special Offer!

=> See our video online: https://youtu.be/CxPBOxHevXI   Dear Exhibitors, Visitors and followers of the Salon de l'Escalade, Hi! Through this video today, I'd like to make an important announcement regarding this year's edition. Just like many of you did, we had to stop our activity all of a sudden from March 14 and stay locked in since then. Somehow, against all odds, this period turned out to be favorable for transparent and instructive talks with our first edition characters. For sure, postponing our second edition to 2021 may appear as a 'more reasonable', actually safer and less time-consuming choice... Instead, I hereby confirm that our event is held next November in Lyon! Let me explain: beyond the trust in my own product quality and the many positive and inspiring feedbacks from our premiere exhibitors, I truly believe this decision could help the climbing economy -currently facing a tough period- meet its main 3 expectations: - The need to communicate, with main french and international outoor events canceled, - The need to network, following a long period of forced social distancing, - The need for sales of products and services, to help economic recovery by the end of this year. The 2020' Salon de l'Escalade wants to set a common target next November for all of us: Exhibitors in all categories, Professionals and enthusiast, Retailers, Workers-at-height, Federations, Visitors... Indeed, whatever your climbing branch, we bet on strong urge to live together again social events from this fall on! Following the example of moutaineering, whose commitment does not prevent or may even attract us to surpass oneself, and given our exhibitors skyrocketing level of satisfaction plus an extremely gratifying job as an organizer, Missing the opportunity to go through it again is the real risk I want to avoid! Indeed, to stay with the image of mountaineering, personal decisions should not involve exposing third parties. Thus, over the last weeks, with the help of our partners, we came along with the following 3-point program to ensure our exhibitors the lowest economical commitment:  - First, the ability to share a booth with co-exhibitors to limit your budget with, - Second, a money-back guarantee on booth fees if the event had to be canceled, even one month before it starts, - Third, as extraordinary situations require exceptional terms and conditions, we're pleased to introduce, on a "private-sale" pattern, stunning discounts for the first 40 exhibitors: - 20% off for the first 8 registrations, - 15% off for the next 12 exhibitors, - 10% off for the following 20!   To proceed, follow these few steps: 1.    Create your Exhibitor account on www.Salon-Escalade.com ("Booth Booking" menu) to download your Application Form 2.    Monday June, 8, be ready to upload it along with its attachments from 8:00 am sharp! 3.    Follow real-time applied registrations and fee discounts.
Ouverture des Réservations aux Exposants de la 2ème Edition !
09 03 / 2020

2nd Edition : Registration for Exhibitors is open!

Exhibitors willing to participate or renew their participation in the 2nd Edition of the Salon de l'Escalade Fair can register online as of now, using the 'Booth Booking' tab of our website. There, with just a few clicks: - Fill in your Exhibitor profile and read our terms and conditions (brochures, fee schedule, technical guidelines...), - Easily follow other participant's commitment and overall organization of this 2nd event, - Assess costs for an exclusive or shared Booth and submit your Application File. As of now, over 40 Exhibitors (including: 32 private organizations, 3 institutions/local authorities and 2 associations) have already confirmed their participation to the 2020 Edition. Among them, no less than 4 new players! This year, the whole available Hall area has been reserved, allowing 500 extra sqm (+15%) compared to the 1st Edition. However, to ensure participation while limiting costs, Early Birds get 5% off on Booth Packs for all reservations prior to March 27! For this 2nd Edition, we aim to reach 150 Exhibitors and 8000 visitors for an even more exciting, warmer and more diverse event! To achieve this, Exhibitors have the opportunity to share their Booth, each Co-Exhibitor benefiting from individual referencing. Resulting outcomes for all parties: reduced budget, remarkable multi-purpose Stand and the guarantee of an increased footfall. Please note a 8% fee surcharge after April 27 and the deadline for registrations on June 12, 2020. For any question or remark, contact us!
Participez à une enquête internationale sur les comportements des grimpeurs !
27 01 / 2020

How about an International Climbers' Survey?

The sport of climbing is in the midst of a period of significant changes: becoming an Olympic sport, worldwide urbanisation and strong growth, just to mention a few. This survey is intended to learn more about climbers’ interests and behaviours about outdoor and indoor climbing to better be able to understand the impact of these developments.  Once you’ve finished the survey, you will receive a voucher for one month of free access to all digital climbing guides on the Vertical-Life app. In addition, other great prizes from Five Ten, Salewa and Zlagboard will be raffled off among participants. Completing the survey should take no more than 20 minutes.  To keep it fun, there is a quiz question at the end of each section - see if you’re an expert climber :)  Thanks for participating, we appreciate it! https://bit.ly/2NWGXqj
Première Edition : Mission Accomplie
11 12 / 2019

A Great Premiere!

Last November 15 to 17, the First Edition of the 'Salon de l'Escalade' took place in Lyon-Villeurbanne. Totally innovative by nature with a unique configuration in France and even in Europe: an exclusive theme, a B2B morning and two and a half days open to the general public as well as decisive events and content, the event has also been a success regarding its numerous and varied exhibiting entities: over 100! To top it off, passionate visitors from various origins managed to come massively despite difficult weather conditions!   Let's have a look over the main figures from both organizer's and Exhibitor's sides: - 4526 visitors over 3 days, - 104 Exhibitors represented by 622 people from 11 countries / 3 continents (including 12 free-of-charge participating Associations), - 15 Lectures + 9 Talk + 4 Live Public Workshops, - 2 exceptional Ambassadors: Catherine Destivelle and Romain Desgranges, - 2 Climbing Walls + 3 Complementary Playful Structures (Ninja Box, Inflatable Wall, Tower for Children), - 1 Day dedicated to the Official FFME Block Contest + 1 Morning dedicated to Handi-Climbing, - 1 evening of projection of 5 films with 254 spectators.   And on the visitor's side: - 10 main french regions represented, - 94% of French visitors and 6% of international visitors (neighboring countries). But beyond this accounting aspect, the opinions are unanimous: the event took place in a particularly warm atmosphere and under the sign of passion, as many exhibitors and visitors told us whose testimonies will soon be put online.   The photos and videos produced throughout the event will also soon be available. The conferences and talks were also warmly welcomed: numerous, of quality and animated by carefully selected interlocutors, on eclectic subjects and for the most essential for the future of the discipline!   Particularly delighted by these returns and the general enthusiasm aroused by this first edition, expect an Edition 2! Save the next event dates from now on: Friday 20 to Sunday 22 November, still in Lyon-Villeurbanne Devoted to bring you the highest satisfaction level, we will put you to contribution via Social Networks to collect your wishes and ideas. The Climbing News of 2020 - Olympism, evolution of practices… - promises its share of exciting subjects for all its practitioners! See you soon !
Un Salon Hybride, une matinée 100% B2B !
12 11 / 2019

A Hybrid Show, with a 100% B2B Friday morning!

The 1st Escalade Show in France, or rather in Europe, is an original and totally innovative initiative aiming to bring together in one place and for 3 days everyone from Climbing. You got the point: its chosen configuration is Hybrid: a purely "Pro" moment in opening, followed by two and a half days accessible to the general public. The 100% professional morning, reserved for professionals, but also for press and institutions, elected officials and club presidents, sports managers and project leaders, will take place on Friday morning, between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.   It will end up on a speed meeting workshop to facilitate meetings between economic players, in a warm and relaxed atmosphere over a drink, so that network development rhymes with relaxation! The Salon de l'Escalade is a unique opportunity for global players to easily and effectively exhibit their expertise at the heart of a historical climbing place: the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.   The Lyon Metropole, with its numerous Climbing Gyms, is not to be outdone given the enormous flow that urban 'fitness climbers' now represent and the number of rooms that are created each year in the heart of our cities. As for foreign players, who massively showed interest for this unique opportunity to address the French market, usually quite difficult to reach. This morning is therefore aimed at: Equipment Manufacturers, Artificial Climbing Rooms  suppliers, distributors and specialized stores, supervising professionals and their training sectors, rope access technicians and dedicated companies expert in difficult access works , local authorities and the federal community ...   Some exhibitors belong to several categories such as 'Les Arts de la Grimpe' which - as a distributor of climbing equipment, holds and volumes, but also designer controller and guarantor of maintenance of SAE - immediately approved the concept and the time reserved for Friday morning pros.  Come and meet them and everyone else, but not too late as over 100 exhibitors  are to be met there!
Offre Spéciale : Réduction Billetterie -50% licenciés FFCAM & FFME !
08 11 / 2019

Special Offer: 50% discount on FFCAM & FFME licensees ticketting!

As a FFCAM or FFME licensee, you automatically get 50% off on all entry tickets. Valid for any voucher from Friday afternoon to Sunday (even on multi-day passes), for you and your loved ones. To collect your tickets now and until the opening of the Show, 1 / Go to https://www.salon-escalade.com/ticketting/ 2 / Under the "SALON TICKET" menu, for the "Ticket 1/2" lines "Day" or "Ticket 1 Day" or "Pass 2 Days" or "Pass 2,5 days" General Public, - Step 1 (Basket): Choose as many tickets as desired of each type then click on "RESERVE". - Step 2 (Contact details): Enter the information specific to each visitor, accept the general conditions of sale, and click on "MORE".  - Step 3 (Payment): Click on the line "You have a discount code, click here", then enter your LICENSE NUMBER >> 12 NUMBERS for the FFCAM, >> 6 NUMBERS for the FFME, and click on "Apply", you will immediately get a 50% discount on your basket! - Validate to finalize your reservation: immediately receive your tickets by e-mail. Caution: Exclusive and single use offer: remember to book all your tickets at once!
L'Eco-conception au cœur de nos préoccupations
06 11 / 2019

Eco-designing the event at the heart of our concerns

Because every great project today has to be eco-designed, we care - as responsible organizers - to limit our impact on our environment. In order to assess the quality of our commitment, the Water Family association will take care to note a posteriori the proper consideration of a set of actions. Our efforts will be measured and analyzed to assess the eco-responsible nature of our approach. For this first edition, we have implemented a set of concrete actions: - An Exhibition Hall located within the city walls which favors the use of soft modes: on foot, by bicycle or by public transport, - For our transported visitors, the integration of a carpooling solution directly on our site (in ‘Practical Information’ section) - The choice of catering providers engaged in organic, local and artisanal approaches, - Less plastic waste thanks to the use of Ecocups, - The printing of communication elements on recycled paper and the subsequent upgrading of our advertising banners, - Reduced use of carpets, part of which will be re-used in a roundabout way, - Partial selective sorting of waste provided at the end of the event by the service provider responsible for collecting it, - Local schoolchildren invited to participate in this event, - The organization of fun and educational activities for children on the theme of ecology, - The development of associations in favor of environmental initiatives and social and solidarity actions, - And finally, the implementation with BEAL (Stand C1) of an operation aimed at collecting 8,848 meters - an Everest - of used dynamic ropes in order to upgrade them!
Profitez du Salon en Famille : des activités pour petits et grands
30 10 / 2019

Enjoy the Family Show: activities for the youngs and the olds

You want to enjoy the Family Climbing Show, we've thought of you! Because the event is above all a celebration and a convivial moment, do not miss our many events! SATURDAY : Contest for the minimal: qualifications from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. then podium at 12:30 a.m, Film on the festivities of the 200 years of the Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix at 6.30 p.m.   ANIMATIONS AT LOSS OF SIGHT! - Ninja Box tests to improvise Ninja Warrior on a fun and sporty course, - Dozens of prizes to be won: with the Compagnie de Chamonix, the Bureau des Guides Savoie-Maurienne, the Bureau Escalade Montagne de Lyon, La Ligue FFME Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, - Roping workshops, climbing and a virtual refuge visit with the FFCAM, - The meeting of authors and illustrators with Les Editions du Mont-Blanc and on the Stand of Raconte-Moi la Terre,   DON'T MISS OUR EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOPS: Proposed by our Associations present: LPO Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Water Family - From Flake to Wave and animated by their passionate and exciting representatives, they will educate your children in a fun way while you enjoy the Show! Slots available on Saturday and Sunday. Registration at Stand E0. Duration: 1 hour, please note: limited number of places! > Become water responsible with the Water Family On the program: discovery of the great water cycle; water in the body; water from nature and simple solutions to preserve and avoid polluting this precious resource. Public: 6-10 years old. > Climbing Board Game with the LPO The objective: to equip a climbing route to climb a summit never before reached! But beware, to succeed, you will have to take into account the issues related to the environment. Public: 6-10 years old. > TERRABILIS cooperative board game The objective: At the head of your Country, you have carte blanche to develop. But beware: if your impacts are too strong, the consequences will be irreversible ... Audience: 10-14 years old.   CLIMBING INITIATIONS: BLOCK: Come and introduce your children to the joys of bouldering. Slippers available from Exhibitors: Boldrini, Boreal, La Sportiva and Vibram. Supervision by Climbing Instructors. All audiences from 8 years old accompanied by an adult. ON AN INFLATABLE CLIMBING WALL: Children love it! It is the ideal structure for climbing safely under the supervision of the Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix. IN THE URBAN-TOWER: This activity combines agility and climbing in a 6m structure equipped with nets. Children go from one floor to another through games (punching bags, rope ladder or pirate net). Supervised by an Exalto team member, indoor leisure multiplex in Lyon, workshop active on Saturday (9 am-7pm) and Sunday (10 am-5pm). Public: 4-12 years old. In short, something to delight young and old
Edito : la Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes soutient le Salon de l'Escalade
08 10 / 2019

Editorial: the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region supports the Salon de l'Escalade

Editorial from the President of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Council:   I warmely welcome the organization of this first 'Salon de l'Escalade', an unprecedented event in France which brings together over three days, both all professionals in the sector but also the general public. This is a unique opportunity to discover the best in climbing and to encourage new followers to get started. Our goal is to make Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes the leading sports region in France. Thus, our investments have increased considerably towards leagues and territorial clubs. The challenge is to allow each sport to develop and to open up, for example to people with disabilities, one of the main priorities of my mandate. As such, we naturally support climbing. We are the great climbing region in France and in Europe because of our magnificent alpine massif which greatest mountaineers on the planet have encountered. Climbing is a sport par excellence that represents the values ​​of surpassing oneself. The audacity it takes to jump the first time on a dizzying rock face impresses me. Audacity is one of the cardinal values ​​of our Region. It therefore seemed inevitable to support this event, especially since we have a renowned site, that of Voiron in Isère, integrated into the CREPS Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes of Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, which is unanimous among lovers. climbing. We also have very close links with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Climbing League. These two players will be on the Region's booth during this fair and will be essential interlocutors for the public present. I would like to warmly congratulate the organizers for making the bet to set up this event and wish them a great success.   Laurent Wauquiez.
Le Retour du Froid : Bonne nouvelle ?
06 10 / 2019

The return of cold temperatures: isn't it a good news after all?

Same thing every year: after the summer heat, temperatures are dropping down! Besides finding here a good reason to get back to your climbing gym, you also have a good one to work on you outdoor projects! Indeed, coldness is the ally of climbers in terms of performance, with the famous 'sticky' phenomenon, that is to say, an absence of perspiration on your fingers pulp and optimal conditions of adhesion to the rock! Of course, it is also synonymous with pain, even suffering for some of us. So let's take a quick look at some tips to help you suffer less and climb harder: - In winter as in summer, think as much to hydrate yourself. To do so, while warming you up efficiently, bring your hot water with you for a tea or an instant soup. - Wear several layers and clothing suitable for belaying or easy to remove when climbing. Remember that to gain efficiency, air must flow between layers: prefer loose clothes, and if you find the good old wool of your aunt, it's time to bring it out, most of the thermal losses happening around your head (for multipitch routes, opt for a flat model fitting underneath your helmet). - Carry dry food or energy bars, especially if you are going on a journey of multipitch route or with a long walk. - When you are not climbing, keep your booties warm in your jacket or sit on it. - Remember that after the painful nail and the return of the blood in the tips of the fingers, you are quiet for a moment! Another good news is that the cliffs where you suffered the heat wave this summer now become perfectly adapted to these new seasonal conditions: choose beautiful south faces not exposed to the wind. Multipitch-route climbers, remember that the daytime is getting shorter as the winter comes: more than ever, bring your headlamp with you any time, with fully charged batteries of course! We wish you beautiful winter climbs!
Contest officiel de Bloc du Salon
03 10 / 2019

Fair's Official Boulder Contest

Saturday, November 16th, the Rhône FFME Committee organizes within the Salon an Official Boulder Contest on the Temporary Block structure specially built on purpose! How it works: between 20 and 25 blocks of every level to be achieved in 2:30 hours. Each block is worth 1000 points divided by the number of trials to send it. The number of tests is not counted in qualification. The 3 best seniors (3 girls + 3 guys) will final fight against our event Guest Stars secially present to ensure a great show! 3 blocks will be used for the final. Open Categories: Minor (06-05) Junior (04-03) Junior (02-01) Senior (00 and before ...) Rules: MF-MM: Reception from 9:00 to 9:30 Contest: from 9:30 to 11:30 Podium: at 12:30   CF-CM and JF-JM: Reception from 11:30 to 12:30 Contest: from 12h30 to 15h00 Podium: at 4 pm   SF-SM: Reception from 2.30 pm to 3.30 pm Contest: from 15h30 to 18h00 Finals: at 19:00   Registration details: (last Monday before the competition) On the Official FFME Competitions Calendar www.ffme.fr> Climbing> Competitions> Calendar   Minime / Cadet / Junior Registration: https://www.ffme.fr/competition/fiche/6139.html Senior registration: https://www.ffme.fr/competition/fiche/6160.html Fee: euros 15,- (online payment only). Contest registration includes 1 free entrance to the fair valid for one person on Saturday, giving overall access to every animation! Competition is open to holders of a FFME license competition for the current season (bring an identity document) Good luck everyone!
Etat d'avancement du Salon à J-70 !
06 09 / 2019

70 days to go: time for a Progress report

Throughout the summer, the Show Team was on the deck, not idle, despite the heat wave! Besides, we thought that a little assessment would be welcome because, damn, we'll soon be done with this premiere: 70 days before the doors open!   So let's talk little, but let's talk well. Currently, the Show is made of:   - Nearly 80 Exhibitors, 12 categories, 10 Nationalities and 3 continents represented, - Private, Public, Institutional, Associative actors and you, the practicing visitors, expected many days D, - A full and eclectic schedule of conferences and round tables that should interest everyone, - The visit of exceptional personalities: ambassadors, authors, athletes, champions… - An evening of screening of climbing films on Friday evening, a stone's throw from the Exhibition Hall, - Workshops and stands in preparation in all directions, - A block open with a final on Saturday, - Many different climbing structures and for all levels / ages, - And new contests in preparation…   On the visitor side, for those who will not be available on the Weekend, we have decided to offer tickets from Friday afternoon. But for this Fair to be a success, we need you! So make as much noise as possible, talk about it around you, share this newsletter, invite your network to like our pages and publications, plan your visit, book your train tickets or organize carpooling…   We rely on you !!!
Rentrée : l'heure de la reprise !
02 09 / 2019

Back to work: resumption time!

Have you also slowed down - or even stopped - climbing during the holidays? Fortunately, your good back-to-work resolutions are there: registration in the room, planning of 3 weekly sessions, a goal for next summer…   But beware ! You'd better not go too fast... Climbing, it is well known, is a thankless sport, and the recovery could be abrupt! You know it ! But the good news is that technique is not lost, like cycling! So be gentle with yourself to avoid a laborious recovery. Some advice for a successful climbing back to school: - First, be confident: it will come back! And faster than you think! So try to be patient. - Do not set yourself too ambitious goals at the risk of discouraging yourself and hurting yourself. Your mind and your body need a little time before attacking in the deep: grant them with first sessions rather short and below your maximum level, otherwise it is the guaranteed injury, and that, that would be pity ! On the other hand, a good idea to stay motivated over time may be to set a medium-term, even long-term goal, with others, on a site that appeals to you! - The important thing is to have a good time, so go to the room when your friends are there too, or to meet new acolytes! - Do not hesitate to vary the places and practices to avoid a too rapid return of monotony. - Finally do not ignore the warm-up, and take into account the interest of de-escalation for a smooth and effective recovery!   Back to sports is also synonymous with back to work for you and - if necessary - back to school for your children. Difficult to reconcile everything? Not necessarily: why not release an evening by planning a climbing session in the week between noon and two at work? If you work near a room of course! In any case, our team wishes you a very good start-over!
Les Femmes à l'honneur
06 08 / 2019

A tribute to women

Parce que l'escalade est une activité mixte par excellence, parce que Catherine Destivelle est notre Marraine et parce que les choses évoluent depuis longtemps sur le sujet dans notre discipline, à notre tour nous souhaitons accorder une place privilégiée aux Femmes lors du Salon de l'Escalade ! Venez découvrir ou retrouver au Salon les groupes exclusivement réservés aux femmes. Suivez l'actu du Salon : une conférence débat aura lieu pendant les journées grand-public, sur les femmes emblématiques du milieu de l'escalade et de l'alpinisme. Et enfin n'oubliez pas de passer rencontrer Catherine Destivelle sur le Stand des Editions du Mont-Blanc. Une photo, une dédicace, quelques mots… Catherine, que nous adorons, nous a – pour notre plus grand bonheur – immédiatement dit oui pour participer au lancement du Salon en tant que Marraine ! Merci à toi, merci pour nous et pour tous les visiteurs du Salon qui auront ainsi l'occasion et la chance de te rencontrer !
Grimper malgré la canicule ?
23 07 / 2019

Heatwave climbing?

Ce n'est pourtant pas quelques degrés supplémentaires qui vont vous empêcher de grimper ! Mais comme il y a 'chaud estival' et 'chaud caniculaire', voici quand même quelques suggestions pour vous permettre de grimper sans trop transpirer (et non, la solution ne consiste pas à se rouler dans la magnésie^^) : - Rester à l'intérieur, dans une Salle Climatisée. Et s'il n'y en a pas à côté de chez vous, dites-vous que vous gagnez du temps en faisant un Sauna pendant votre séance ! - Bouger sur des spots en Altitude, comme par exemple à Ailefroide, La Bérarde, Ceüse… où,  même s'il fait chaud la journée au Soleil, les faces qui passent à l'ombre sont particulièrement agréables à grimper et les nuits restent fraîches et réparatrices ! - Partir grimper dans l'hémisphère sud, pour trouver l'hiver en été. Bon d'accord, ça ne s'improvise pas et ce n'est pas donné ! A planifier pour l'été prochain ? - Se mettre au Deep Water Solo (ou Psicobloc) : c'est-à-dire grimper au dessus de l'eau, en solo (donc là où la chute n'est pas exposée et autorisée, grâce à l'eau pour amortir votre retour 'au sol'. L'activité est née dans les années 70 avec le développement de l'escalade libre, et se pratique idéalement lorsqu'il fait chaud et sur des faces ensoleillées (pour sécher rapidement !). Les meilleurs spots ? En Espagne, en Grèce, et aussi en France (Calanques, La Garde, Nice, Montfort, La Corse…) - Pour ceux qui sont un peu rebutés par l'idée, pourquoi ne pas vous initier au Canyon ? L'été est une période idéale pour pratiquer, découvrir de nouveaux points de vue les pieds au frais et entre amis ! Dans tous les cas n'oubliez pas de boire beaucoup. La solution ultime passe aussi par la sieste ou quelques jours de "vrai" repos quand il fait trop chaud, ou à la pratique d'activités plus douces : baignade, courtes randos, petite séance de yoga ou sieste : c'est les vacances, après tout !   Petit rappel sur ce qu'il ne faut pas faire : - Grimper malgré tout en plein soleil : même si le corps s'adapte au bout de quelques jours, vous risquez la déshydratation, l'insolation et les coups de soleil, peu recommandables pour vous et  votre/vos binômes(s) de cordée, potentiellement néfaste à votre sécurité. - Grimper la nuit, à la frontale : l'idée peut paraître tentante, mais dans ces conditions vous créez des nuisances pour la faune locale des blocs et falaises qui chasse et vit la nuit. A proscrire, donc !
Un Salon Eco-conçu !
10 07 / 2019

Making the Salon de l'Escalade a sustainable event!

Did you know that we do care to make this first Salon de l'Escalade a responsible event, in its realization as in each stage of its preparation! For example, for meetings with our service providers and customers, we prioritize the conf-call or Skype tools. When we travel, we promote carpooling and public transit, and consolidate travel. Obvious. Beyond that, since too many events produce large amounts of waste and unrepresentative use of resources, we make a point of privileging the choices that are oriented towards a sobriety of needs. Here are a few examples : - the use of carpets - often for single use - will be limited to the maximum on the day, - we make sure to select local and responsible providers for the provision of food and beverages, - we will favor the use of Eco-cups rather than disposable plastic cups, and provide in addition to 100% biodegradable (and not biofragmentable!) corn starch cups, - solutions to facilitate carpooling to get to the show will be put in place, by us and / or through smart partnerships, - and for local visitors, the fact that the event takes place intramural and therefore easily accessible by bike and public transport will avoid the use of a vehicle to get there.   We are helped in this eco-responsible approach by the NGO "Du Flocon à la Vague - Water Family" which helps us, since the beginning of the project, to respect the commitments of a sustainable charter for the design (limitation and regrouping of travel), promotion (dematerialized solutions, or on recycled paper and vegetable inks) and the realization of our event (as indicated above). Finally, many exhibitors will be there to raise awareness, during the Fair, about initiatives, technologies and responsible approaches, here are some examples: Promote the reuse of the material with the theme of the remelting and the repair of technical clothing, Collect used equipment for recycling, or equipment you no longer need to give to charities, Offer quality local food and beverages, with vegetarian alternatives, Communicating for associations committed to environmental or social actions and solidarity ...
Ouverture de la Billetterie en ligne !
01 07 / 2019

Book your tickets online!

"General Public" tickets available online:  - Visitor ticket valid on Saturday or Sunday, - Visitor pass valid for both days: suitable for those who want to enjoy all available animations and in particular those specific to Saturday (Block contest* and first series of conferences) or Sunday (Climbing for the disabled and second series of conferences).  For project leaders, professionals and the press, you can also book your entry to the show for the B2B day on Friday. Smart & Easy! Enjoy age of an 'early bird' offer: a ticket purchased for a visitor's day (Saturday or Sunday) = a ticket offered for the same day! Make sure you don't miss out: valid only for the first 200 registered!   Don't forget to check this page in the weeks to come to: - Reserve your tickets for the opening night on Friday evening at the Astrée Theater: projection of climbing films with our ambassadors: Catherine Destivelle and Romain Desgranges,  - Book your seats for free but limited seating conferences so you won't miss your favorite speakers' topics on D-Day!   * The competition is an event organized by the FFME, thus registration will be done directly on its website.
Profitez des vacances pour varier les plaisirs sportifs !
24 06 / 2019

Why not taking advantage of your holiday time to vary sporting pleasures?

Summertime, finally! What is your holiday-schedule? Rather mountain or rather beach? 100% climbing or a good time for something new? The question arises, whether you are addicted to climbing or have a very leisurely approach, with a huge question: rather implement, on the pebble, the training of a diligent year, or on the contrary to make a big break, to cut a little with the climbing, to better return there to the return? Whatever your choice or desires, only one thing is recommended: avoid stopping any sports activity! Therefore, 3 trends are available to you:   N°1: Climb over! Longer, more varied, more complete, stronger ... you have more time to indulge without moderation to your favorite sport: enjoy your destination to test the openings of a new room, to discover or rediscover a cliff, to you (re)put on the multi-pitch or alpine climbing... If you can not leave, opt for a temporary unlimited subscription and add a weekly session to boost your workout. Block fan, test the lead-climbing. Unconditional of the rope, put yourself in the block. Your practice will only be improved! Be careful however: gradually increase your climbing volume and listen to your body to avoid hurting yourself.   N°2: Climb less. Even: stop climbing. Depending on your holiday destination (stay abroad, on a boat, in the desert ...), it is possible that climbing is not part of the options. And if you take the opportunity to really rest? And maybe finish with these repeated injuries or chronic pain? If you really miss the climb, take your favorite magazines and novels or training methods to a little potash: take an intellectual approach to climbing, so to speak! Are you afraid of starting from scratch at the beginning of the school year? Rest assured ! A break does not necessarily mean regression, quite the opposite. A real rest will allow you to leave on a good foundation at the beginning of the season, with a foolproof motivation. Just take care to resume gently so as not to lose all the benefits of your vacation (track volume and session time below your cruising speed, voluntary limitation of difficulties below your max for the first sessions, etc ...   N°3: Get into Running or Cycling, or any other cardio sport! There are only advantages! First, it is very advisable to promote active recovery and much more effective than a complete rest after large exercise sessions.   Then, practicing a sport of bottom allows to burn calories efficiently (ideal to compensate the evenings aperitif of the summer!) From 45mn of effort approximately and thus to help you to maintain your weight of form and to develop effectively your general stamina . In addition, long efforts, in addition to teaching you to breathe, manage your fatigue and get to know you better, also make your mind work. An essential point for your future sports fights! Finally, it is easy to pack a pair of sneakers in your suitcase and very pleasant to discover a region from the small secondary roads on a bike!
L'escalade : un sport qui ne cesse de grimper !
12 06 / 2019

Climbing: a sport that keeps rising up!

More and more people are nowadays practicing rock climbing and this is due to several (good) reasons: - The arrival of climbing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games puts discipline in the spotlight, - The rapid multiplication of climbing gyms attracts many newcomers, followers of a fun and social vertical fitness, with a block / sauna / beer formula whose success is no longer to be proven, - It is a global activity, which stimulates not only the muscles, but also the head (concentration, challenge, balance, strategy ...) while remaining easy to access and can be practiced for a long time, - Its practice conveys values such as solidarity, creativity and surpassing oneself ... whose fall and failure constitute keys to progression, sometimes used as therapy! Growth is the strongest inner cities, where gyms evolve towards more playful and dynamic practices, forcing traditional climbers to change their practice. Becoming a trend, climbing today is above all plural. Come and discover the players in the industry on their respective stands and learn about developments and challenges in the sector through conferences and round tables that will be organized throughout the event!
Le Salon a besoin de vous !
16 05 / 2019

We need you!

You who follow the news of the Salon de l'Escalade, rally with us for this 'first ascent'!  Whatever the reasons:  > curious to know the workings of the event,  > or looking for good deals and preferential terms for you and your loved ones,   Do not miss the opportunity to leave with memorable memories and a nice gift! And whatever your location (Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France or even abroad) and your availabilities: - from now on to make known the event around you, - Thursday, November 14 to participate in editing, - Friday 15th, Saturday 16th or Sunday 17th November to make the event live and help dismantling And according to your talents: diffusion of posters and flyers, management of ticketing or cloakroom, reception of the visitors or participation in the workshops, delivery of material or help with the installation of structures, shots or video editing ...  >> Do not wait any longer: write us via the contact form (specifying the subject # Volunteers) to join the Escalade Salon Team and live the event from the inside!
Romain Desgranges Parrain du Salon !
04 04 / 2019

Romain Desgranges as the fair's Godfather!

And our Godfather is ... the fabulous Romain Desgranges! High-level athlete, Mr. Desgranges has an impressive record, which all climbers know. Beyond his medals, Romain lets us dream for what he embodies: strongness, obstinacy and tenacity beyond all measure, an impressive will and the proof that - for everyone who fully devotes to his task, nothing is impossible ... Aged 14, he chose to make climbing his life. 20 years later, thanks to a hard training, dedicating all his time to it, Romain proves that, even if you are not born a champion, one can choose to become one and - indeed - end up there by devoting oneself every day, without releasing. Never. Congratulations Romain for your vision and what you inspire us all, we are so proud to have you for Godfather of the Fair! Photo credit: Romain Desgranges Chamonix 2017 © Rémi Fabregue / FFME
Catherine Destivelle Marraine du Salon !
08 03 / 2019

Catherine Destivelle as the fair's Godmother!

On this day of Women's Rights, we arre proud and enthusiastic to announce Catherine Destivelle as our godmother! Climber and French mountaineer, she climbed in her twenties the most difficult routes of the French Alps. In the late 1980s she became one of the best climbers in the world and collected records, trophies and honors. The 1990s marked a turn towards mountaineering since she participated in expeditions in the Himalayas and was the first woman to climb in winter and alone the three major north faces of the Alps. Very popular, she's in many reports and documentary films. She is now Director of Editions du Mont Blanc. Her quote: "I always follow what my instinct suggests me to do, it usually works for me".
Nouvel Exposant au Salon de l'Escalade : BEAL
28 02 / 2019

New exhibitor : BEAL Ropes

To celebrate the participation of BEAL as a new exhibitor at 'Salon de l'Escalade', try to win free entrance tickets on our social networks! 5 invitations valid for 2 people to be won! To participate, find us on www.facebook.com/SalondelEscalade/ and: - Like our page, - Like Beal's page - Tag the person you want to invite to the show as comment. A random draw will be concluded March 7th! Good luck! World leader in rope production, BEAL braids about 15 million meters of rope a year, about 20 times the distance from Earth to Moon! Note: can you identify the ropes embedded in our logo?
'Free Solo' remporte l'Oscar du meilleur documentaire
25 02 / 2019

'Free Solo' wins best documentary feature

Wow, congratulations to the Free Solo Team for this Best Documentary Oscar! This award is a great first for climbing movies. Looking forward to reach March 24 for the France broadcast on National Geographic...
Et vous, où étiez-vous ce weekend ?
18 02 / 2019

What was your weekend made of?

The weekend is over... How about going a few hours back with our team climbing in the marvelous Calanques area (France)? What was YOUR climbing spot then? Send us your pics on Facebook!
A propos du Logo
11 02 / 2019

A brief logo history

Today, we wanted to let you know you what's behind our logo, and its purpose: the meeting place for all climbing lovers. The shape subtly evokes the world of climbing: 3 blocks as solid as rock, adjustable as real catch, with a "Salon de l'Escalade" climber grabbing it. There are several meanings to be thought of regarding the colored bricks such as: a sloping wall, a contest podium, a gradual ascent, 3 levels of difficulty, and so on. Nature is also present in the blue-green, as one can see the ocher layers of a cliff. The flashy red, recalls the resined holds in gyms. Form, text and colors are all linked. As a connecting rope between companions, the show is above all a place to share, exchange and experience around the one passion of climbing. We expect lots of you guys coming 16th & 17th of November 2019 for this premiere!
L'équipe du Salon de l'Escalade à ISPO
05 02 / 2019

The organizing team at ISPO

Hi! Our organizing team is visiting ISPO today. Let us know if you hang around too, we'll be happy to meet you there!
Profitez du REEL Rock 2019 !
04 02 / 2019

Enjoy the 2019' REEL Rock Edition!

This years' edition is so dazzling! In just one evening, we have discovered speed-climbing, Ondras' training techniques, Honnold's clownish attidutes and done a world tour in the heart of the extraordinary landscapes of Norway, Czech Republic, Antarctica, Yosemite and Jordan. If you guys from Lyon and Annecy missed the projections, it's time to catch up tonight!
Lancement officiel du Premier Salon de l'Escalade en France !
01 02 / 2019

First french Climbing Fair - Official Launch!

November 16 and 17 2019, make sure you won't miss the 'Salon de l'Escalade' first edition! This innovative and unique public event in France will bring together, all over a weekend, the whole climbing community. A unique opportunity for visitors - whatever their practice - to meet the manufacturers, professionals, NGOs, Federations... Note: November 15 is a reserved day for Press, Professionals and Institutions.